Submit Your MediDirect®
Benefits Claim
Download and fill out one of the forms below and send it to us. We’ve also included our contact info below if you need assistance.
For your convenience, claim PDF forms are fillable using the free Adobe Reader - we definitely suggest installing that so the calculations in the PDF are automated for you.
Choose Your Claim Form:
Use this Form to make your claim.
Use this Form if you are making payment with the claim. It will calculate the fees and taxes for amount to remit.
Submit Your Completed Claim Form Here:
Send us your claim forms and receipts directly by filling out the information below and attaching any receipts.
Other Ways to Submit Your Claim:
You can also mail in your claim to us directly, if that is your preference.
Send a copy of the completed claim form, all related receipts, and any additional documentation to us at:
Email your claims and receipts to us at
MediDirect Inc.
P.O. Box 1710, Stn Central
Calgary AB T2P 2L7