Employer’s View of Benefits
Your Benefits Should:
Attract and retain employees
Be affordable with no sudden
increases in costs
Be flexible for full-time, part-time,
and seasonal people
Employees stay with employers with medical, dental and wellness benefits. The cost to hire and replace an employee is 50% to 200% of annual salary, compared to the 10% to 15% of the cost of benefits. Offering benefits costs less than hiring and training new employees.
Attract & Retain Employees
Flexible benefit options for full-time, part-time and seasonal employees. Most people want to work for smaller companies and want benefits. MediDirect benefits attract and retain employees allowing you to compete with larger competitor companies.
Flexible For All Employee Types
Businesses cannot afford insurance companies increasing benefit premiums each year. Affordable benefits are challenging to find. MediDirect pays out $0.90 compared to $0.50 to $0.60 by insurance plans. MediDirect works with you to control your benefit costs.
Affordable Benefits